Here at Bear Bones Labradors we value our Guardian partners! Guardian's provide Bear Bones breeding dogs with pet homes and insure that reproduction is just a portion of each dogs life. Guardians get a pup from Bear Bones Labs at no cost with the agreement that during it's lifetime it can be a part of our breeding program.
A wonderful example are Jenna and Zuzu.

Zuzu has blossomed under Jenna's care! Together they have accomplished Zuzu's CGC and AKC Novice Trick Dog.
Zuzu just passed her OFA Hips with an excellent rating. She has OFA certified normal elbows, heart and eyes. We plan on breeding her in 2025.
If you are interested in learning more about being a Bear Bones Labradors Guardian please reach out. We may have adults or pups to place in Guardian Homes.